The deck of this boat is made of plywood, and it didn't respond very well to varnish. It all looked a bit grubby and was bringing the whole boat down. I had been told by both my boatbuilding buddies to varnish the rest of the wood, but paint the deck in grip paint, and for once I decided to follow their advice! After enquiring at my local paint shop, I was recommended a product called 'Don't Slip!', which they recommended over other products in spite of the name. I figured any product that survives in spite of marketing blunders of that magnitude
must be good, and decided to give it a shot, and kiss goodbye the mankyness of varnished plywood forever!

The paint is extremely viscous, almost sour cream-like in viscosity. After spreading over the deck, the anti-slip profile is applied using a roller that resembles rough velcro. It has a tendency to flick paint all over everything, so if you're going to give it a jam then mask everything carefully, or be very cautious! I was a bit sparing with the stuff, and used only a litre over the whole deck(remember its super thick!), which has led to do darker patches around the place, but it still looks great I think. I'll touch up these patches later. Grip wise its very good, certainly a rougher profile than the type that uses aggregate mixed in with the paint.
I put the bow rail and deck fittings on a couple of days later, and the thing looks transformed. Painting may not be the most exciting job out, but its unbeatable for instant gratification :{D
Onwards and nextwards!
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