Wednesday 31 August 2011

A Proper Test Run

Working on my boat is intrinsically worthwhile, but to see it perform is a new level of satisfaction. Taking your boat any distance from land is to trust in the quality of your work, as well as your skill and composure should something go wrong.  Usually anyway, in my case it was more of a strident disregard for safety and an irrepressible need for instant gratification; in this spirit we set forth!

I had the displeasure of hearing Bon Jovi's "Blaze of Glory" earlier in the week, and whilst the musical aspect made me naueseous, something about the  lyrical content resonated with me, and I decided that Saturday's adventure would take place across low tide. This meant that we wouldn't be able to get home between leaving at 7am and 2 in the afternoon, and if serious trouble arose we'd have to beach the boat or fix it out there. This minor concern was also outweighed by superior fishing compared to an afternoon session, and it was settled!

The details will be omitted herein, simply because they aren't very interesting.  We didn't go "Down in a blaze of Glory", and thus its just not bloggable. We did decimate fish stocks and just generally have a rad time though. Every outing in this boat has been radder than the last, and every moment of radness is doubly rad because its been such an involved and challenging journey to get it to this point. RAD RAD RAD!

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